
Retain your custody and visitation rights

Experienced in custody and visitation cases

It's a heartbreaking experience to have your children taken away from you. Rely on an attorney who knows how important your children are to you. Stevan A. Nosonowitz can give you the benefit of over 30 years of experience in family law on your child welfare case.


Family courts must place a priority on rehabilitation and keep families together whenever possible. While the situation may be difficult, you may be able to preserve your parental rights by making a calm and rational case before the court.

Protect your rights

Has a child welfare proceeding started based on the alleged actions of your child's other parent? If the other parent is suspected of child neglect or sexual abuse, you're entitled to independent legal representation. It's highly advisable that you have your own lawyer, so call Stevan A. Nosonowitz today.

Putting children's needs first

The rights of children are the primary focus of New York family law. Paternity, grandparent's rights, and guardianship are all important to Stevan A. Nosonowitz.


Paternity actions establish the legal parentage of a child. With this knowledge, you can receive custody and visitation right as a non-custodial parent or you can obtain child support from the other parent if you are the custodial parent.


New York also has specific laws that grant grandparents the right of visitation with your grandchildren. In certain situations, if your grandchildren's parents are trying to keep you from contacting your grandchildren, you can petition the court for visitation.


In addition, children in New York have the legal right to proper care and support from their parents. Unfortunately, due to substance abuse, mistreatment, or some other reason, some parents are unfit to care for their children.


A close family member, grandparents, aunts, or uncles can ask the court to grant them legal guardianship. Guardianship gives you legal rights that you would not otherwise have, even if that child is already living with you.


Get your consultation with Mr. Nosonowitz today to discuss paternity, guardianship, or grandparent's rights.

Get joint custody of your child

New York has a policy of encouraging strong relationships between children and parents to promote the welfare of children.


The law supports active participation with a child by both parents after a divorce or when you no longer live with your child's other parent. However, this doesn't mean you will receive equal parenting time or custodial rights with your child.


Legal custody and physical custody are the two kinds of determinations that are made during divorce or custody proceedings. Legal custody can be granted solely or jointly. It is common for parents to receive joint legal custody, and it is only not granted in extreme cases.


Legal custody involves your right to be involved in key decisions about your child. These includes where they go to school, their medical care, and religion.


Physical custody determines where your child lives and when your child will be with you. Joint custody is not always a 50/50 arrangement, but it does mean you will receive some parenting time or visitation with your child.


Fight for your custody right with the help of New York Super Lawyer Stevan A. Nosonowitz. Call today to start working on your case.

father and son

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